Vanilla by Plus Three
An Advanced, Flexible Front-End Development System

Feed Selector

The Latest News



Default accordion styles are in vanilla.css, and can be overridden as needed.

The JS function has the following options:

  • getNews: Defaults to true.
  • getBlog: Defaults to true.
  • getJournal: Defaults to false.
  • getTwitter: Defaults for false. Because the Twitter API we use is deprecated, this should not be enabled.
  • newsUrl: Path to an include that has an archive box of type 'json'. Defaults to '/ssi/select_news/index.html'.
  • blogUrl: Path to an include that has an archive box of type 'json'. Defaults to '/ssi/select_blog/index.html'.
  • journalUrl: Path to an include that has an archive box of type 'json'. Defaults to '/ssi/select_journal/index.html'.
  • twitterUrl: Either a path to an include, or a url to query the Twitter API. Defaults to ''.
  • newsIcon: An icon file that can serve as the teaser for new stories that don't have one. Defaults to '/images/avatar_news.png'.
  • blogIcon: An icon file that can serve as the teaser for blog stories that don't have one. Defaults to '/images/avatar_blog.png'.
  • journalIcon: An icon file that can serve as the teaser for journal stories that don't have one. Defaults to '/images/avatar_journal.png'.
  • twitterIcon: An icon file that, if specified, will be used instead of the screenname avatar. Defaults to '/images/avatar_twitter.png'.
  • forceNewsIcon: If set to true, will use the newsIcon for all news items, overriding the story's teaser image. Defaults to false.
  • forceBlogIcon: If set to true, will use the blogIcon for all blog items, overriding the story's teaser image. Defaults to false.
  • forceJournalIcon: If set to true, will use the journalIcon for all journal items, overriding the story's teaser image. Defaults to false.
  • maxJournalLength: The number of characters to include as the teaser. Default to 400. Setting this to 0 will prevent any truncation.
  • ignoreTwitterReplies: Do not include Twitter messages that start with '@'. Defaults to true.
  • showShareButtons: Include a row of Facebook/Twitter share buttons under each item. Defaults to true.
  • count: The number of items to display. Defaults to 5.
  • twitterTemplate: The template markup to use to render Twitter items.
  • nbjTemplate: The template markup to use to render news, blog, and journal items.

Note that the icons referenced above can be found in the media_extras directory in the html5 branch. Examples of working blog and news include can be found on this site.